3 postdoctoral positions to study the cortical representation of conceptual, person and factual knowledge

Luogo attività
Cimec, University of Trento.
Durata del contratto
2-4 years
~ €20,000-30,000/year (net)
Descrizione Attività

I’m pre-announcing these positions ahead of the official bando.
From May 2015, three postdoctoral positions (2-4 years) will be available under the ERC funded project, Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge (€1.5 million), at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento. This five-year project is a systems-level investigation of the representation of person and general conceptual knowledge, with the goal of building a model of how the brain represents our complex factual knowledge of the world (more info: theFairLab.org).

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