Position of Postdoctoral Researcher in cognitive neurosciences at the Paris Brain Institute

Luogo attività
Durata del contratto
2 anni
Descrizione Attività

This project is led by Pr Laurent COHEN at the ICM (Paris), in collaboration with Pr Stanislas DEHAENE at the Neurospin imaging center (Saclay). Our aim is to investigate the cognitive mechanisms and spatiotemporal dynamics of word reading in the occipitotemporal cortex, with a special emphasis on the interplay of “bottom-up” visual input, and “top-down” influences from distant areas engaged in language and attention. We use a combination of 3T MRI (ICM), high-resolution 7T MRI (Neurospin), as well as MEG/EEG. The location of the ICM inside the campus of the Salpêtrière University Hospital also gives access to brain-damaged patients.

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