Research Assistant, cortical representation of conceptual, person and factual knowledge.

Luogo attività
Cimec, University of Trento.
Durata del contratto
approximately €1050/month net
Descrizione Attività

I’m pre-announcing this position ahead of the official bando.
A full time research-assistant position will be offered, to start early May 2015. Candidates should be fluent in Italian and have a bachelor’s degree or higher in psychology or a related field. The successful candidate will work as part of the CRASK-team, an ERC funded group investigating the cortical representation of conceptual/person/factual knowledge with fMRI and MEG.
This role will involve research support (stimulus preparation/data-collection) and administrative assistance. Highly motivated candidate will be encouraged to develop their research skills and own studies.
Starting salary will be approximately €1050/month net).

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Modalità di presentazione della domanda
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