ATTENZIONE: FESN posticipata al 27-29 settembre 2023

The Cortex Prize will be awarded at the 8th Scientific meeting of the FESN. The Cortex Prize is an biannual award to emphasise the achievements in neuroscience. It is awarded to a promising young scientist in the field of neuropsychology. The scientist has to be within 7 years from the PhD. The awardee will be recommended by their member society and has to send a curriculum vitae as well as a letter of recommendation. Each member society can support at most one colleague. The Scientific Advisory Board does the ranking of all receipts and proposes one scientist after reviewing his scientific work. The final confirmation will be made by the Management Committee. The prize is officially granted during the FESN congress. The winner is invited to give a keynote address and to submit a review of their work to Cortex:

Application procedure: (each document to be sent in English as a separate file and in pdf format)

§  a letter of nomination must be signed by the FESN member organisation

§  a strong statement as to how the nominee meets the criteria

§  an up-to-date curriculum vitae with contact details (email address and picture in jpg format)

Please send your candidate no later than September 30th, 2020 to FESN Executive Secretary

FESN members are asked to play an active role at the conference by submitting a national symposium. All the details about deadlines and submission guidelines can be found here

Please support the European idea to create a wonderful FESN & HNPS 2021 Conference!”

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